A quick nap can do wonders…

What's one of the first things that happens when you're stressed and overwhelmed? Your sleep gets affected, right? Either you don't get a good night's sleep or you can't get out of bed… but usually it's not enough quality sleep that's the struggle.


Sleep disturbances may actually promote the onset of burnout because they compromise the restorative function of sleep and the generation of new nerve cells, which support healthy brain function. Burnout and sleep disorders are interconnected problems but which came first? Hard to say sometimes. 


If you are already exhausted and overloaded with too many demands on your time, you may use sleep deprivation as a way to get things done, meet your goals and feel accomplished. But by sleeping less, you become more exhausted and as a result, a chronic circle may develop between burnout and sleep difficulties reinforcing each other. In addition, burnout and sleep disorders may lead to serious consequences like anxiety disorders, depression, decreased empathy and other potential health issues. 


Well, I'm not here to criticize or tell you that you're doing it all wrong. I'm here to remind you to be gentle with yourself. To remind you to take care of yourself first so that you can then take care of others. Being burned out, stressed out, and wiped out from no sleep does you no good. 


Set yourself some boundaries. When you leave work. When you shut off the computer. When you shut off the TV. When the lights go out. 

Make time for yourself in your calendar. Time to meet a friend for lunch. Time to go for a walk. Time to get your hair cut or nails done. Time for your stuff. 


Then schedule the other things - the things you think you must do like get the car repaired. Get the laundry done. Get the gazillion other things done when you get to them after you get to you. You first and that especially includes sleep.


Check out my podcast episode with Sleep Expert, Suzie Senk, recorded in March during the Thrive Beyond Speaker Summit. You can find it on all podcast platforms and my Youtube channel.


Create a nighttime routine to get your mind and body relaxed, maybe even try meditating. And stop looking at your phone or tablet late in the evening — your social media alerts will all be there in the morning. Sweet dreams! 

Susan Proper

Successful yin yoga teacher helping women reclaim their best Self through yoga, meditation, holistic coaching & yoga retreats. Founder of The Gift of Stillness online virtual yoga retreat series.


Can’t get out of bed in the morning?


feeling tangled up in blues?