feeling tangled up in blues?

I realize it's summer time and that means sunshine, longer days, being outdoors, having fun with family and friends, cookouts, going to the beach and enjoying time in the backyard.


But what if you're just not feeling it? What if the thought of putting on a bathing suit makes you compare yourself to others and leaves you feeling insecure? Well THAT can certainly put you in a mood! Admittedly, I'm not looking my very best in my bathing suit these days but frankly, I don't care. I've gotten over the fact that I have extra pounds, cellulite and veins that weren't there 20 years ago.

Now when I put my bathing suit on, it's simply to serve a purpose - it's a piece of clothing that allows me to swim comfortably in a pool or in the ocean. Summer is my favorite season of the year. So there is no way that I could not wear a bathing suit… although I know some people swim in shorts and T-shirts. Not for me though… what about you? 

It could be the same with yoga pants, right? Yoga pants fit like a glove and if there are any imperfections (who has no imperfections?), yoga pants will find and accentuate them. Oh how wonderful! Doesn't stop me from practicing yoga though. As a matter of fact, when practicing yin yoga, which I mostly do, nice loose harem pants will do just fine.

Anyway, it's all good… bathing suit, yoga pants - don't beat yourself up. Love ‘em or hate ’em. Rather, focus on how you can break the summertime blues: Eat well, Get quality sleep,  Exercise (when it's cool) and most importantly Allow yourself your emotions. No self judgement allowed. ❤️


Always remember, good mental health is great mental wealth my friend. 

Susan Proper

Successful yin yoga teacher helping women reclaim their best Self through yoga, meditation, holistic coaching & yoga retreats. Founder of The Gift of Stillness online virtual yoga retreat series.


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