When was the last time you played?

Last time I wrote, it was about Presence and the significance being present will make in your life. Today I'm continuing with my Presence, Play, Connection and Balance Series with the concept of Play.

Adulting, responsibilities, bills, deadlines (UGH) – It all seems to pile up and make you forget what it's was like to be a happy go lucky kid. But guess what? You don't have to let that happen. Play is something you do, while Playfulness is is a mindset, not an age requirement. It's an attitude. 

Did you know that playfulness is like a magical stress-buster? It's true! When you let loose and engage in playful activities, your body releases endorphins, those feel-good hormones that reduce stress and boost your mood. Tell me who doesn't want a better mood and less stress?

But it's not just about stress relief; playfulness can also supercharge your creativity! When you allow your mind to wander and explore, you open up new pathways for innovative thinking. Think about it: some of the greatest inventions and breakthroughs in history came from people who dared to play with ideas and concepts. So, why not let your imagination be free and see where it takes you?

Plus, being playful is a fantastic way to strengthen your relationships. When you engage in playful small talk, share laughter, or embark on fun adventures together, it deepens your connections with others. It breaks down barriers and fosters a sense of camaraderie that's hard to replicate in any other way.

Let's not forget about personal growth. Yup, playfulness can help you grow as an individual too. It encourages you to take risks, step out of your comfort zone, and learn from your mistakes – all essential elements for personal development. Remember, growth often happens when you're having fun, not just when you're strictly focused on self-improvement.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "But Susan, I'm a busy adult with serious responsibilities!" Well, guess what? Being playful doesn't mean shirking your duties or acting like a kid 24/7. It's about finding a balance (ooh there's that word), integrating playfulness into your daily life, and remembering that it's okay to let your hair down once in a while.

With that being said, I've got a few suggestions for you coming up in my next email (Part 2) so stay tuned.

Susan Proper

Successful yin yoga teacher helping women reclaim their best Self through yoga, meditation, holistic coaching & yoga retreats. Founder of The Gift of Stillness online virtual yoga retreat series.


Do you make time for fun in your life?


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