Facing Uncertainty? Focus on What you know.

I'm pretty certain about one thing and that's most people I know are feeling that the world and “the future” are uncertain right now… I'm not simply talking about the past pandemic… I'm talking about the economy, the inexplicable war in the Ukraine, politics, the climate, and more than I care to wrap my brain around. For most of us, uncertainty is uncomfortable and often leads to mental fatigue & stress. 

As human beings, we crave security. It's normal to want to feel safe and have a sense of control over your life and well-being. The more you fight against the fact that life feels uncertain, the more unhappy, stressed, and fearful you’ll become. Rather than draining yourself emotionally and getting trapped in a downward spiral of endless “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios about what tomorrow may bring, remind yourself that uncertainty is natural and that it’s okay not to know. You can't prepare for every possible scenario. Life is simply too random and unpredictable.

Ways to help yourself through uncertainty: 

Don't believe everything you think - negative expectations can become a self-fulfilling prophecy; look for silver linings
Practice acceptance - this is the best way to begin to move forward through feelings of difficulty & stress

Invest in your own selfcare - spend time having fun and playing, just for the joy of it; The trick to creating a self care routine that you’ll stick with is self-awareness & by doing things you wouldn’t dream of missing out on
Be grateful & be in the moment - change your preoccupation with future worries to a stronger appreciation of the present moment - being more mindful of “now” can help calm your mind, ease stress and boost your overall mood
Help others who are struggling too - check on neighbors and friends or take some time to support a cause that’s close to your heart by volunteering
Eat well & exercise - Exercise is a natural and effective stress-reliever and anti-anxiety treatment; Eating healthy meals can help maintain your energy levels too when everything seems so overwhelming

Practice relaxation and get good quality sleep - set aside time each day for a regular practice of meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises; Too much worry and uncertainty can disturb your sleep - just as a lack of quality sleep can increase anxiety and stress

On the other hand, some people are less prone to the anxiety of uncertainty and relish in the unknown. Their thought process might include: Who knows where I'll end up or who I'll see there; I'm going with the flow. Neither way of reacting is correct; they're simply different.

At the end of the day, uncertainty isn’t a bad thing. Uncertainty is a natural part of life. And it's through uncertainty that your character gets molded and you learn some of your best life lessons. I know I have…  

Susan Proper

Successful yin yoga teacher helping women reclaim their best Self through yoga, meditation, holistic coaching & yoga retreats. Founder of The Gift of Stillness online virtual yoga retreat series.


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