Chronic stress is a beast

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who I hadn't connected with in nearly a year. It was so great to catch up and fill each other in on what's been going on in our lives. During our conversation she made a comment about how she wakes up every day stressed and is stressed for the entire day… She is a wife & mom, an entrepreneur, and a real type A personality. Sound familiar to anyone?

We talked about her wellbeing both physical and emotional. I was, and am concerned for her living with chronic stress. If you or someone you love is struggling with chronic stress,  remember that it's important to take steps to manage stress by practicing relaxation techniques, getting regular exercise, or seeking support from a healthcare professional if needed.

Chronic stress can cause physical symptoms including headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping. It can also lead to a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease.

It can also lead to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and burnout. Chronic stress can also affect your cognitive abilities, making it harder to concentrate, remember things, and make decisions. Also it can affect your behavior, leading to things like overeating, undereating, substance abuse, and social withdrawal. Chronic stress is a beast.

Here's the 15 minute gentle yoga sequence I suggested for her that can easily be done at home. This sequence is all about relaxation yet it's also a wonderful way to begin the day… setting the tone for a good day.

  • Child's Pose: remain still in the pose for 1 minute
    Child’s pose is a posture that turns your attention and energy inward.

  • Cat/Cow for 5 breaths

  • Legs Up the Wall: remain still in the pose for 2 minutes 
    Actually use the wall as a prop or place a block/flat bolster beneath your sacrum, then raise your legs towards the ceiling.

  • Caterpillar: remain still in the pose for 1 minute
    This pose is also called seated forward fold (yang). In yin yoga, remember not to strive to stretch muscles so don't force yourself to reach the toes.

  • Legs Up the Wall: remain still in the pose for 2 minutes 
    Actually use the wall as a prop or place a block/flat bolster beneath your sacrum, then raise your legs towards the ceiling.

  • Reclined Butterfly/Bound Angle: remain still in the pose for 3 minutes
    Bring the soles of your feet together either lie back on a bolster or pillow or simply rest on the floor. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this pose helps relieve the symptoms of stress and mild depression.

  • Savasana: remain still in this pose for 5 minutes
    Savasana is usually the last pose at the end of your yoga practice. As you lay on your back, tune into your body while it relaxes and releases any lingering stress. The true gift and beauty of this pose is the meditative state it brings you. Don't skip it.

Here's a few other things I suggested for her stress…
Aiming to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
Getting up early enough to avoid feeling rushed
Stretching and gentle yoga in the morning to bring you focus
Practicing meditation if only for 5 minutes in the morning
Making sure to eat breakfast to give your body fuel
Prioritizing your to-do list giving yourself focus
Listening to calm music or a positive podcast while getting ready for the day

Chronic stress can have such a negative impact on your overall health and wellbeing that is becomes debilitating. It's so important to create habits to promote your physical and mental wellbeing.

Susan Proper

Successful yin yoga teacher helping women reclaim their best Self through yoga, meditation, holistic coaching & yoga retreats. Founder of The Gift of Stillness online virtual yoga retreat series.

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